1993 Corolla Transmisssion Flush

Just got an 1993 Corolla, can't find the engine size, but have some questions hoping someone might know the answer. Trans is a 3 speed auto with electric overdrive. When starting in drive, trans takes off in second, then shifts to drive at about 35m.p.h. I push the button around 50m.p.h. and shifts to OD. Fluid is very dark but full. I have been manually shifting from first at takeoff, then second about 10m.p.h., then drive abot 30m.p.h. and later on OD. I plan to flush the trans. and refill with new filter but am wondering if this would help or shorten the life of the trans. Naturally I've heard plenty of pro ands con about changing the fluid but has anyone had this happen and do you think changing the fluid would help the shifting at all. Thanks anyone!:confused:
how many miles? my old pick had a shifting problem, changed fluid twice and it was good as new, that old fluid was knopw to varnish up as it got old.
Just as an FYI to those with older cars. I bought my sisters impecably maintained 1995 Pontiac Grand Am after my Miata was totaled by a stupid carwash attendant. It had only 40k miles and she was ready for a new car so I bought it and took it upon myself to extend some loving care so that it would look good and last many more years (it was 12 yrs old but never had any issues.)

Anyway, I got it detailed and had my mechanic replace some belts and hoses and bought new tires. I read in the owners manual that the trans was supposed to be flushed at 50k (I think) so I took it to a trans shop and paid several hundred dollars for a 'power flush'. Worst mistake EVER! Within 2 months my trans blew and I had to pay $2300 for them to rebuild it. They denied any responsibility and said that sometimes that happens to older cars that have never had the trans fluid changed. Um... Yeah. Maybe they could have mentioned that before? At least I got to tell the Yelp world about this company.

Scott O'Kashan

Super Moderator
Hello Longeford. :)
As with any automotive fluid, transmission fluid also needs changing from time to time. New transmission fluid has a red dye in it and one of the reasons this is done is to provide the motorist with a visual clue as to when the transmission fluid is getting old and in need of changing, as it will become darker with age and when it is subjected to high temperatures. Transmissions are about $2,000 to have rebuilt, so changing the fluid and filter to avert a transmission rebuild is very wise. For the best performance and protection, use a top shelf synthetic automatic transmission fluid.

Scott O'Kashan

Super Moderator
Joebkylyn - I know of no other synthetic automatic transmission fluid than AMSOIL synthetic ATF that is rated for Toyota Type-IV. Mobil doesn't offer a synthetic ATF that is rated Toyota Type-IV. Even if they did, by comparing the data from the product data bulletins we can see that AMSOIL synthetic ATF outperforms it and with the wholesale prices I can provide you, the AMSOIL synthetic ATF is lower priced as well.

AMSOIL Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid Product Description -


AMSOIL was the first company in the world to formulate a synthetic automatic transmission fluid over thirty years ago way back in 1980 and has the most experience and know-how in formulating synthetic transmission fluids.

AMSOIL Product Chronology -


Why would you want any other synthetic ATF than the best?

What year is your Corolla? I can look up the capacities for you.
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Scott O'Kashan

Super Moderator
I have a 2010 1.8 engine, I need information about changing the transsion fluid.
If you have a 2004+ Toyota with the Toyota WS fluid, the proper procedure for changing the transmission fluid is outlined below -


Alternatively, if your vehicle doesn't have the Toyota WS rated transmission fluid, the below procedure is available -
