Just got an 1993 Corolla, can't find the engine size, but have some questions hoping someone might know the answer. Trans is a 3 speed auto with electric overdrive. When starting in drive, trans takes off in second, then shifts to drive at about 35m.p.h. I push the button around 50m.p.h. and shifts to OD. Fluid is very dark but full. I have been manually shifting from first at takeoff, then second about 10m.p.h., then drive abot 30m.p.h. and later on OD. I plan to flush the trans. and refill with new filter but am wondering if this would help or shorten the life of the trans. Naturally I've heard plenty of pro ands con about changing the fluid but has anyone had this happen and do you think changing the fluid would help the shifting at all. Thanks anyone!