1999 CE - Looking For Mud Flaps/Splash Guards

With the bad weather we're having this winter I'm thinking of installing some splash guards. I was curious if anyone would recommend any certain brand/style/dealer. I want the molded type, not the flat piece of plastic that you have to cut & drill. I've looked on E-bay, Amazon, JC Whitney. The descriptions & reviews weren't specific to use on a Corolla. I'd like to get all 4 for $6O or less.

Thanks - Freezing in Pa.
pa__sk8r - Welcome to the Corolla Forum! :thumbsup: :) :thumbup::thumbup1:

Try auto parts stores that you can actually walk into and physically evaluate the mud flaps available. Advance Auto Parts and Autozone is a start.
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I tried Advance & AutoZone first. I thought they would've had something as a reference That's why I was resorting to buying them online. I'll have to ask a few other shops in the area to see if they have any recommendations.

