over 200,000 miles on my 1996 Corolla

I LOVE my car. I learned to drive in this car. This car has a tremendous amount of sentimental value. Since I was 16 I fully intended to drive this car in to the ground. However, the fact of the matter is this car it will eventually become scrap, and it is better to invest in a newer car before your old car becomes useless.

I have replaced the alternator and master cylinder with in the last 5 years. The clutch and battery with in the last two years. The oil is changed every 6 months. However I rarely drive, because I live in a college campus and do not have much reason to drive except to go home for breaks (over 100 miles from school to home about 4 times a semester). Though, when I graduate I will have to drive more to commute to work and graduate school,

Considering the age and number of miles should I invest in a newer model or does this car have another 5-10 years? Or, with proper maintenance, as a 22 year old, can I expect to replace this car when I'm 30?


New Member
Maria , If you are looking to save money I would just keep it . You`ve done some repairs that should hold up for quite awhile . Unless you get some major repair that is high dollar then you would probably be best to ditch it . Jim


New Member
Don't buy a new car if you're going to park it on a college campus. Mine was hit (by a drunk driver?) while parked, had the mirror kicked off by an asshole, suffered a broken windshield while parked in a lot on campus, and was towed and impounded once for being "less than 5 feet from a driveway or alley."

I wouldn't wish that on any car, but a new(er) one would only make me feel worse.

(all of the above happened to my 1993 Probe GT, btw - not my corolla.)