A/C Not Cold Enough

Hello Everyone! Hope all is well. My 2008 Corolla's AC doesn't blow cold air cold enough. The air that is being blown is cold , but just not "cold cold" , the way it used to be a few years ago. i have not noticed any noises, no nothing , just for your information.
why do you think the air is not cold enough??
Thank You
Check for debris on the condensor. Leaves and crud plugging the fins will cause the condensor to not fully do the job and the air won't get as cold. You might need to check the system pressure as well but 2008 is somewhat new to have a leak (usually they last 12 years before leaks start).
Check for debris on the condensor. Leaves and crud plugging the fins will cause the condensor to not fully do the job and the air won't get as cold. You might need to check the system pressure as well but 2008 is somewhat new to have a leak (usually they last 12 years before leaks start).
where is the condenser located and how does it look like?