Car Problem Resources


Car problems are a frustrating reality for the majority of drivers. Given all the moving parts, the increased dependence on electronics and the complexity of the engine something is bound to go wrong at some point. Outside of there are multiple resources for researching car problems, getting advice or seeking legal council. We've collected a few of our favorites below.
Manufacturer Contact Information

If you have questions about the status of a recall, have a serious defect to report, or just want to reiterate what you've already complained about online you can contact the manufacturers directly.

Consumer Advocacy

If you have questions about the status of a recall, have a serious defect to report, or just want to reiterate what you've already complained about online you can contact the manufacturers directly.

Lemon Law Information

Lemon law rights are defined by each state as well as the written warranty of each vehicle. These rights are generally greater than what the manufacturer or dealer will admit to.

Legal Information

If you think your car is a lemon, there are people available to help with class action lawsuits and general consultation.

Additional Research

Ask a question about how to fix a common problem, look for a mechanic or research more complaints about your car with these trusted sites and services