Engine Accent Project

Currently on a tight budget, so my customization projects must start small. Saw someone with a white Corolla paint their engine cover and a few other trim pieces to match the body. It looked good, and it wasn't something that would make my car stand out too much; I want to wait till I can afford the good stuff before I modify the exterior.

I tried Plastidip once, and immediately felt like a highschooler with a can of whipcream, very juvenile. My Corolla deserves better, so I picked up a few rattle-cans of Engine Temp red and went crazy with the painters' tape.

As you can see I chose red, after learning my car was coded as grey, or slate; I was kind of opposed to the contrast of red and blue, but then realized there isn't much blue in my paint at all, so grabbed a red and red-orange hoping for at least a bit of color difference... though they are quite similar in hindsight.

Anyways, I took off the fusebox cover, battery holder, and top of the intake housing, in addition to the engine cover.

Lots of light coats dried fast in the sun, and I had a few different colors to do, so I had them offset; kept me busy instead of standing around waiting for parts to dry. Probably a little sooner than I should have, I installed the fuse cover and was instantly stoked with the color choice.

After this, the rest of the parts also got installed a little sooner than they should have, though I was careful and only messed up a little. ;)

After having installed everything I really like it; I am only unsure about the battery support, it kind of messes up the flow of the engine trim pieces, I might paint it black again. I dunno it can stay for now... I had the white laying around, its not engine temp, so hopefully it lasts. Also did I mention I found a place to host images? I am excite :D

I have not a lot of experience painting, as you can see from a little color bleed on the engine cover and some white overspray, but ultimately I am very stoked on this project. I think it adds a bunch of personality. :cool: I can't wait to throw some TRD parts, wheels, and other various upgrades into my Rolla, but until then I'll stick to the cheap upgrades.