Japanese Parts

Hey guys, anybody knows where can I buy japanese parts for a Toyota Corolla 2000? I need the master power window switch and all the places I go is only american make. Ideas? Tips?

Hello Scott! Thanks for the quick reply. I indeed tried getting the part from Toyota dealer down here in Costa Rica, unfortunately they said the part needs to be imported from Asia, it would take a couple of months and the price (since is a custom request) was very very high. Therefore, before I take that shot, I wanted to try to find the part myself online and see what would happen. I bought one part from some guys there in the US, but I was not aware that the american version had different polarities, so it is a risk to burn the wiring hehehe. Anyways, I used the website you gave me and emailed some guys from Florida and see if the one they are offering will actually match our Japanese version :)