Side view mirror slides back and forth

Hi, I broke the inside of my passenger side mirror backing out of the garage. The housing and mirror are fine and electrical work perfectly but I heard a loud snap inside the housing. Now the manual folding mirror just slides around. I don't want to purchase a whole new apparatus if only something internal can be fixed. Any ideas? I am having a hard time researching this online. Corolla LE 2013. Thanks.
Well, without taking it apart it would be hard to say. Likely some support piece was broken. you could take the mirror apart and see if the part can be purchased. What you can also look into doing is pulling one off of a wrecked vehicle and change the painted cover. Getting one from a wrecker would be cheaper than purchasing new.


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two thing that will help you out taking a photo for us and you actually seeing the damage you did by doing that. there should be three bolts if you ripped pass the metal some washers can do the trick but like said it's all guessing with no photo.