Yet Another New Guy

Hey guys, I'm new to the forum, I've been a toyotaholic for a while now, I just bought a 2014 corolla. I have a 2001 4runner that i've been driving daily but those mpg's were killing me! I'm gonna keep building my 4runner, and hopefully keep the corolla stock, but we all know how that goes haha!

Anyway, I got the blue crush Corolla Sport Plus with the Driver Convenience pacakge (whatever its called) I'm excited to see what some of you all do to your new corolla's

here is my 4runner in case anyone was interested

Welcome to the Corolla Forum! :thumbup1::clap::thumbup::):balloon::party:

What a beautiful blue Corolla! It's so nice to see some real color, instead of silver, black, white or gold! :thumbsup:
haha thanks! I've already got high shool kids talking crap about the color but I don't care, I like it, it's different and sticks out, and those mpg's are fantastic!
Just goes to prove what little high school kids know. :lol: These days they all want to look like robots that all dress alike, talk alike and act alike. They are the most extreme crowd followers I have ever seen and aren't even engaged with society in general.

Today's vehicles come with such an amazing variety of colors, as long as you like; silver, white, gold or black. :sick: Green, blue, red and all their many wonderful shades are now very uncommon. Weird stuff. :thumbdown::(