Wacky AC

I have a 2007 Corolla. The AC runs fine most of the time, but it runs inconsistently on hot days. It will run fine, then blow really warm air, then run fine, then run lukewarm air, then fine again. The refrigerant has been checked and replaced and there are no refrigerant leaks. Sometimes when I turn the AC off and back on again it will improve, but not always. I've tried turning the temp control to hot and then back to cold, but this doesn't work consistently. The mechanic thinks it may be the control door, but I am skeptical about that. How could the control door just move back and forth on its own? Anyone have this problem before and solve it? Any thoughts?
I had intermittent AC on my 2004 Corolla. It ended up being the A/C relay was bad. You can do a quick test by swapping it with the horn relay, just to see if that fixes the problem. They are located in the fuse box under the hood. The relay is only about a $15 part. I made a quick write-up about it with picture. If you google:

manic mechanics fix your intermittent AC - Replace the compressor relay

you should find it.
Good luck! Hope it helps.
I am also currently having this issue on my corolla. My ac wasn't as cold as it should have been so I had my dad recharge the coolant. Sadly after he did this my ac now cycles cold air and slightly warm air every few minutes. My car never really gets cold now and I love in Texas so this is an issue i need to have fixed by summer. Any ideas? Also, does anyone know of a garage that they trust in Austin Texas?