2011 Toyota Corolla Accelerator Problems

hi please reply if you have simular issues have a 2011 corolla with 1.8 doch 16valve 4cyl dual vvti engine,4 speed automatic. it is very slow at decellerating after taking foot off accelerater. more evident from 60 to 40.on level road it takes .9 to 1.1 mile to slow from 60 to 40 mph. jerks on down grade with cruise controll on rpm go up 300 to 400 then down 200 below origional reading and back up to origional rpm. couple occasions so far with cruise off when accelerator was released it stayed at same speed and rpm untill the car hit a bump in road taken to dealer 2 times same answer car is normal . i drove a scion loaner car with same engine and transmisson difference like night and day this car shifted and deselerated like it should. does any body else have this problem
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I just bought my car on Friday and yes I do see the same issue but without cruise control ON. I am still trying to understand as to what is going on here. I might try with cruise control sometime soon. Also, I saw going downhill it seemed like car's rpm was increasing a lot more than speed, without my foot on the accelerator pedal. I don't want to go to the dealer yet as they will not see the problem unless they drive it a bit. I might capture a video of the events later on and show it to them. I guess their tendency would be to take me for someone who is trying to get on the "unintended acceleration" bandwagon. It is unfortunate how Toyota is going downhill on their quality.

Any luck with diagnosis at dealers by the way?
accelerator problem

hi, iam moving at a snells pace but i have to give dealer credit they are working with me . the service manager drove my car home acouple times and ran into the problem it was able to duplicate the problem. is classfied as a speed controll issue with them. service manager.tried other cars and they also have the same problem. he contacted atech advisor for toyota and was told this is normal . i had to call and reopen the case was told to take to another dealer for second opinon smells like coverup from toyota not dealer. after pushing issue the ta from toyota is to look at my car. I filled a report with nhsa the number to call is in the owners manuel.my issues are like yours also with car acting like cruise is on but it is off very scary. i think this is a very serious safety issue. every body with this problem should follow the protocal and report so if a need for recall is needed it will be done.
I also have this issue with my new 2011 Corolla LE, automatic. The RPMs jerk up and down when the car is simply cruising along, noticeably at speeds from 40 -- 60, maybe others. It seems like the auto tranny is searching for a stable setting between 3rd and 4th gear, as if hunting for it, back and forth. This isn't a major driving problem for me, but it shouldn't happen. If this is normal, then THAT'S an abnormal statement by Toyota. What to do, folks??
2011 Corolla LE acceleration problem

I too am experiencing the same problem. At times, when I take my foot off the acclerator, it feels like I have the cruize control. The car deselerate VERY slowly for anywhere between .5 to 1.5 KM then the RPM drops suddenly as it should when you first take your foot of the pedal.
The other related problem is that if I'm just trying to maintain a constant speed anywhere between 50 and 90 KM/HR it feels like the engine stalls for a very brief moment then shortly after comes back to the original RPM.
Both problems describe above are easily reproducable and my local Toyota dealer has confirmed it.
Toyota head office on the other hand says that this is normal operation and that the car is operating within spec. I doubt very much that they've ever driven one.
I'll be contacting the head office tomorrow in hopes of getting this problem resolved. If they brush me off, I'm going to do my very best to get rid of the car as it is VERY UNSAFE.
Toyota bought back my Corolla

I had this issue usually around the 60mph mark but it happens at other speeds if kept steady. I leased a 2011 on May 1 and immediately started having these issues. Took it to the dealer and they had it for 2 weeks, traded out the computer and it still had the problem. I put up a fuss and the corporate bought it back from the dealer and I picked out a new 2011. Well, low and behold it acted the same way. I took it to the dealer last week and they are calling in a special tech to diagnose. This is not normal and thank you for having this forum because I thought I was the only one. More to come...
2011 Toyota Corolla - same problems

Hi guys,

I have exactly the same problem as described in your postings.

I went today to the local Toyota dealership.
Service desk agent asked one of his technicians to take my Corolla for a test drive to duplicate/replicate accelerator/speed issues.

I went along with him. Sure enough the technician said there is definitely a problem, when he took off his foot of the accelerator pedal, yet the car maintain the speed, eventually dropping off.

They gave me a loaner for the day and said they will call California technical support (engineering group?) to open the case and ask for help.

After about 4 hours they left a message on my phone that: "THERE IS NOTING WRONG WITH THE CAR AND IT'S OPERATING WITHIN SPECS" and that was verified with some kind of diagnostics monitor during driving.

I said WHAT?! Are you kidding me! Your own technician test drove with me and verified that car is acting up.

I even have asked the service rep, if he would let his wife or teenage son/daughter drive a car like that. He didn't like that question...

I asked "what is my next step", since the dealership (Toyota) refuses to resolve obvious safety issue. He gave me a number to Toyota HQ or something.

I intend to do the following:
1. Will contact Toyota and ask them for help to fix my car
2. I will make videos and post them on YouTube showing Corolla speeding without a foot on the accelerator and RPM/speed jumping up and down around while driving 60mph
3. I will contact NHTSA and complain about 2011 Toyota Corolla safety issues that Toyota refuses to acknowledge

I have owned 5 Toyotas (3 Camrys and 2 Corollas).
2011 Corolla is the last Toyota I will ever own.


New Member
I just purchased a 2011 Corolla Sport a/t, 2 weeks ago, and I am having the exact same issues as all of you have described. I noticed it for the first time driving on the highway doing 100 km/h. I took my foot off the accelerator because the traffic infront of me was slowing down, and my car just kept going at 100 km/h and I had to slam on the brakes to slow it down. I have also a 30 sec. video of this happening. I also find that when going down hill with my foot off the pedal, it seems to speed up, resulting in me having to ride the brakes excessively. (How often are we going to have to replace the brakes because of having to use them so much?) The RPM jerking is also an issue as well. I find it happens between 60-70 km/h. It feels as if the fuel is cut off, and the rpms drop for about 3-5 secs, and then goes back up to the original speed. It's almost like using the resume in cruise control. It is very annoying. I have taken it to the dealership twice, and they seem to think it is normal. Just today on my way into work, my "door ajar" light was on. I came to a stop, and opened and closed all my doors, and the light remained on. After about 30 mins of driving it went out. Not sure if it was just a fluke or not, but I am sure it would be extremely hard to duplicate it for a mechanic to see. I will let you guys know if it happens again. I honestly say, I am very disappointed in this vehicle purchase, and truthfully I can see Toyota being in trouble again with another recall due to these ecu issues. For them to say it's "normal", is unreal. I will be taking this to the media, so any help from people on here would be appreciated, and hopefully we can win this battle.
I was pleased to find this site and discover other owners are having the same problems with their new 2011 Corolla’s.

I took delivery of my 2011 Corolla SE Automatic in June and immediately had the problem of the RPM suddenly jerking down when the car is cruising at about 80 – 100 km. It was frustrating to drive. The second day while on the highway, the accelerator suddenly would not respond and appeared frozen at about 80 KM (talk about a scary experience). After repeatedly taping the pedal and applying the brakes it finally dropped to normal.

I took the car back to the dealer who was very co-operative. They gave me a loaner, and ordered a new replacement car. About 2 weeks later I took delivery of the replacement 2011 Corolla.

But now I am having the same problem of the intermittent drop of about 200 RPM when I drive at a constant speed of 80 to 100 km. (actually almost any constant speed displays the same problem).

My second problem is more serious. When highway driving and I remove my foot from the accelerator pedal, the car maintains the speed before eventually dropping off.

Armed with the information from this site I’ll be going back to my dealer this week and attempt to resolve the problems.

Over the years this is the 4th new Corolla I’ve owned but I’ve never had problems like this before. My wife refuses to drive this new car.
2011 Toyota Corrola RPM Jerks

We purchased a new 2011 Corolla LE, automatic in mid July. The RPMs jerk up and down also. It is very annoying to drive and is hard on the gas mileage. It is most likely to happen while driving steady at 40 to 60 mph on level roads. We have had it to two different Toyota dealerships with the same outcome. "Our computers state that everything is normal and we can't find anything wrong". Something is certainly not right. We have never owned a car to do this before. Will continue to watch this site for any advice that can be directed our way.
Some good news .. I have an update to my last posting about the accelerator problems with my new 2011 Corolla.

My dealer has advised me that Toyota Canada has admitted they have an “issue” and they are working on changes to the computer program. Apparently owners will be notified and updates will be made available in early October. I still feel it’s a serious safety issue and should not be taken lightly.

This site is performing an excellent service for Toyota owners. I printed all the postings and then forwarded them to Toyota
I note the above problems, but in the week that I have owned my Corolla with a lot of driving I have not had any problems. But I'm glad to read the above so I have a eye out to watch out for in this problem. I hope for the best. Thanks for your input. I live in Victoria Australia.
Hi i have encountered same problem with my 2011 corolla from 1st day i bought i brand new now i have 2500 miles on that i went to the dealership and they said there is no problem and its common that RPM jerks up down on 70mph finding a gear but no other car does this. so i exactly dont know whats the problem as you mentioned that toyota canada is working on the patch i hope we get it solved thats the first and last toyota in my life i ever owned.
Toyota is issuing a Safety Bulletin to solve these issues. It requires a ecu upgrade. I had the upgrade done on Sept 8th, and I thought I would post some initial findings. Ok, so I have since put on just over 70k and have noticed that the deceleration at high speeds seems to have improved. I have not noticed the issue of the rpms fluctuating up and down like they did. The feel of the car "accelerating" down hill is gone completely. The issue with the fuel cutting out when driving at a constant speed seems to be none existant as well. The only issue now that I am finding is that the car does not seem to decelerate quick enough at low speeds (60km/h and lower) But like I said, I have only driven it for 70+ km, so maybe the learning process has to start all over again. I will post back more info when I put a few more kms on the car. So far though, it looks like a step in the right direction.
Have 400 miles and noticed rpm drop in first 20 miles

Didn't drive the car far enough on the test drive but noticed this on first drive to work. :( I immediately went to the dealer and they tried to tell me to drive it for like 500 miles or so. :confused: I said no I wanted to make an appointment and so I now have about 427 miles on the car and this rpm drop is just annoying and drives me crazy at times it feels like someone just applied the brakes or engine braking is going on. So anyway saw the one guys post on the Toyota Bullentin supposedly for the ECU fix and will take that information with me tomorrow so will see how Fowler Toyota in Norman, OK handles the situation. Had one guy tell me it was probably the way the overdrive is kicking in and out but put it in the shift mode and it does this when it doesn't kick into overdrive. Very disapointed as my first car ever was a Toyota in 1974 and was very trouble free and fun to drive. I do have to say I am beating the epa estimate on the car driving back and forth to work so trading in my truck that got 13 mpg this car will pay for itself if it doesn't annoy me to death first.;)
My dealer still refuses to acknowledge there is a problem I brought to service last week and I have an appointment this Friday I wonder what his story will be this time. My corolla acts the same as these other posts. This morning i was doing about 40 on a straight flat road and the car appeared to shift down for no good reason. After a fashion it shifted back.
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Well took Corolla to dealer last night, exactly 500 miles on it when dropped off. Technician rode with me and acknowledged what car was doing, explained it may be the torq converter which is set to lock up to like direct drive and some people are more sensitive to it then others is what was said to me but they will test it out today. I mentioned the one person's response on here about the ecu upgrade and one of the service advisors started chuckling in the background which I didn't think was funny at all, the service advisor I talked with was more serious about finding if there was a problem. I was also told to go talk with the salesman and let him know I was disastified with the car which I don't really know what that will do as the dealership will say I signed a contract which I expected to get a car that functioned in my opinion properly but then I am not a mechanic right. I think I am screwed but if Toyota doesn't do anything about it I will do more than just post on this site and be disapointed and drive a car for years until something stupid happens with it.
Just as an update, the service manager just called me and said they found a technical service bulletin has been issued on the 2011 Corolla and they had to flash the cars memory and that the car now seems to be operating without the drop in rpm and properly. So hopefully it is fixed.
Thanks for the update. When i see my dealer Friday i hope he received the technical service bulletin and the capability to flash my car as well.
Thanks again
I'm glad that I stumbled onto this site. My wife just purchased a 2011 Corolla CE and immediately I noticed the same accelerator problems mentioned above. At a constant speed of around 70 to 90 kph, the car suddenly drops about 300 rpm and after three or four seconds, picks up again.
I took it back to the dealer and he had a technician accompany me for a test drive. Unfortunately, I couldn't replicate the problem at that time. This is intermittent, but it still occurs. Also, the fuel consumption is worse than that of our 2005 Corolla. (I'm keeping a comparison spreadsheet.) I'll be taking the car back to the dealership with a printout of some of the above observations.
Recalibrate ECM

We contacted Toyota by e-mail about our concern with our 2011 Corolla LE automatic. Within days our (U.S.) dealership contacted us with news that our "ECU was out of calibration". Tuesday morning (9-13-11) a test drive confirmed what they were hunting. Paperwork states "EG9061 Recalibrate ECM (PCM) Engine". After 2000 miles of horrible operation, the car is finally running GREAT! I hope these numbers will help you at your dealships to correct the problem. It is such a relief to have the car running properly! The RPM's no longer jump around between 40 and 60 MPH, no more feeling like the engine has dropped off or shifted for no reason, and we have already noticed a great improvement in gas mileage. It nows runs like the 2009 model we traded because of storm damage. Hopeful this will continue to correct the problem. :)
I just had this done yesterday and yes it performs better but the rpm drop is still visible but it has done something to the torq convertor or something where it does not pull the car down as bad but the problem is still there although it does not happen as often now. I don't think this was the total fix and if so it means I am totally disapointed in Toyota and the Corolla as I owned an 87 and originally a 74 Celica GT and they did nothing but run great. This car is annoying, has a pull in the steering when the rpm changes as if the wind has hit the vehicle. I wish I never signed a contract on it. I would say avoid the Corolla.

after another day of driving and additional miles the car seems to be performing better. I am hoping this keeps getting better as too much money to lose to get rid of it although Fowler Toyota has been very reasonable and interested if it is better.
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I went to my dealer today @ out of the gate it didn't look like i was going to get anywhere. He started out telling me my car was normal. Thanks to this site i knew of the ECM update and asked about it. ? He knew i would keep coming back till the problem was solved. He gave me a new car to try out and asked if it drove any different than mine? It had only 9 miles on it and drove almost the same as mine. While i tried out the new car he and a mechanic tried mine. The service Mgr. was surprised the car took off so fast on a downgrade. It was also the first time he had driven a corolla. Upon getting back he updated the ECM. I haven't driven it far enough yet, but out of the gate it's a whole different car. Mr. service mgr asked if i would let him know if the update (flash) did the job.
Thanks guys, This forum was the key to getting my corolla driving like a normal car.
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They have a thing called a "reflash" just came out a couple of weeks ago. My boyfriend is a tech for Toyota and mine had the same problem and the reflash came out and fixed it an haven't had a problem since!
had same issue

My wifes brand new fresh off the showroom floor Corrolla S did the same decelaration problem. Would hang for 5 or 6 seconds after letting off on the highway and around 40mph the rpms would fluctuate 300-500 up and down. I had printed off several reports that I found on the web and went to the dealer. Of course the claim to have never heard of it but I was not happy because this is a serious safety issue.

The thing is even my wife noticed and would not drive her new car.

It could be very easy to run up someones arse on the highway or at a light.

So the dealer confirmed the issue and reflashed the ecm and it has now been 4 or 5 days and it seems to work properly. In fact the car seems to have a little better acceleration.

The dealer notes are this: Calibration update EG9061 - recalibrated the ecm as recommended by toyota per tsb-0124-11 address the 7773 w45 0.40
afterwards there tech confirms tsb-0124-11 applies

Hope this helps:)
I bought my 2011 Corolla in August and had the same problems, all of them . The dealer out of the gate said the car was normal. I kept making appointments, the last time with a letter to their management. I wasn't going away. Finally the service mgr drove it and told me he was surprised the the car took off the way it did down a grade. While I waited they gave my car a computer upgrade. It fixed about 80% of the problems. It is still slow decelerating but the and the rpm jerking is now very seldom. I think you have to make some noise to get them to do anything.
Good Luck
Have an '09 Corolla S with the 1.8L and auto trans. Haven't had the problem outlined in this thread, but took my 'Rolla in to my dealer this Monday for another trans-related issue. The tech told me in all his 15 years of experience, the most common problem with a Toyota is with its electronics. He told me Japanese electronics are not as sophisticated as we might believe. Glad to see most of you are getting the fix you need.
Problem solved

2011 Corolla LE 1.8L Auto Trans.

My problems are fixed after EG9061 TSB 0124-11.
My Corolla is now running as expected. Also with smoother gear shift and much less engine vibration when accelerating as bonus.

OK, I think there are more than just one problems discussed in this forum,
(1) "it is very slow at decelerating after taking foot off accelerater. more evident from 60 to 40".
(2) "the rpm jump around between 40 and 60 MPH".

these problems may be inter-related and resolved by EG9061.
The description for EG9061 only agrees with problem (2), so if you complaint about (1) and mentioned EG9061 to dealer, you could have some explanations to do. I spent 5-10 min to explain.

I had both problems with (1) which drives me crazy, and (2) which only happened a few times which I could care less about.

I went to the dealer complained about (1) only just to keep the focus.
The dealer will most likely to tell you that the vehicle is normal if simply saying "slow decelerating" (mine said never heard of that problem), the best way is proof to them with solid data.

I do not know which Corolla models have onboard trip computer installed, but that was the tool I used...
(a) Toggle the trip computer to show the "miles per gallon" (MPG).
(b) Drive the car and monitor the MPG frequently (check for yourselves so you can show the dealer later).
(c) When released the accelerater pedal at a cruise speed (30, 40, 50, 60 MPH), the MPG should display 99.9 after about 2 refresh cycles.
(d) Well, if you have the "slow decelerating" issue, the MPG will not show 99.9 (at about 45 MPH and higher in this case).
(e) My trip computer showed between 55 - 75 MPG---This means the ECM is pumping gas even though you have lifed your foot from the pedal.
(f) If you can confirm that and can always re-produce that, you are ready.
(g) Go to the dealer and offer a test drive with the tech. Use MPG to support your point in addition to simply feel it.
(h) Once the tech. agreed the problem, It took him about 30 min. to apply EG9061 and flash the ECM.
(i) This is covered by the manufacture's warranty at no cost to me.

Hope I did not waste too much of your time.
Happy driving.
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2011 Corolla

I have a 2011 Corolla. I have problems with
a) the fact that deceleration does not kick in until 4/5 seconds afteer foot removed from accelerator and
b) I experience occassional rev drops of 2/5 hundred when maintining speeds of 40/60 MPH.
Took car to dealer. Service rep. said that problem
a) was "just something that model has and we cannot do anything about it".
b) Sent two techs to do a road test with me and while one was driving he experienced the rev drop. Told me that the vehicle was "probably looking for a higher or lower gear" and that was the reason for the rev drop.
I was told that if they ever received a TSB regarding the problems they would get in toych with me.
I am wring to dealer (Toyota of Hollywood. Holltwood Florida)
MM Miami
Corolla 2011 accelerator problems

I have a 2011 Corolla. I have problems with
a) the fact that deceleration does not kick in until 4/5 seconds afteer foot removed from accelerator and
b) I experience occassional rev drops of 2/5 hundred when maintining speeds of 40/60 MPH.
Took car to dealer. Service rep. said that problem
a) was "just something that model has and we cannot do anything about it".
b) Sent two techs to do a road test with me and while one was driving he experienced the rev drop. Told me that the vehicle was "probably looking for a higher or lower gear" and that was the reason for the rev drop.
I was told that if they ever received a TSB regarding the problems they would get in toych with me.
I am wring to dealer (Toyota of Hollywood. Holltwood Florida)
MM Miami

Just run it until it dies...its a very nice car..and i owned corolla for 1st time in my life.. well i don't know what causes toyota to make something that people don't appreciate.. having an honour for building cars for that long and being in industry they should have worked over it....knowingly
You need to find my thread and there is another it has the technical service bulletin related to this. I have to say when my car was acting like this it was getting better gas mileage. I am disappointed in my toyota products. Hope you feel better after they apply the tsb to your car.
Hi Mike,
It sounds You are having all the same problems I had with my 2011 Corolla. I bought mine in August and I didn't pick up on the RPM going up and down on it's own. My dealer wasn't any help at all. He denied that my car had any problems. I kept bringing my car in for service. They even told me the cars computer was getting used to a new driver. The last two timer I sent a letter with it addressed to the service manager. Enough of these for the same thing is the process for the Lemon law Finally I think they were getting sick of seeing my face.
After four times back to dealer they"FLASHED" the cars computer. (updated)
That took care of 80 to 90% of the problems. The RPM 4 to 5 second drop appears to be gone . It still takes a long time to slow down after you release the gas.
If you are going down a long grade it hardly slows at all.
This is my first Toyota and it is also my last. Never again.
Good Luck
Cider 1
I too have experienced this problem from dsy one, Feb. 20, 2011..Folks at dealership tested with comuter and said "you have no broble"..Took back after pleadinf that, "yes there is problem--at speeds between 40 and 60 mph it misses..skips firing". Shop manager has mech take home and drive. They reported that there is problem as I described and that they conferred with Toyota who said, "yes we do have computer glitch and when we sove it we will let you know..service manager tells me to check back in month and by then,we will have a fix..I called back in a month and the same shop manager reverseded totally his position: "yours is the only one that has this problem (and it is your problem, not ours" I have owned two earlier corollas and found them to be marvelous machines. The treatment by the dealer, and presumably supported by Toyota, has convinced me that they no longer are a top tier outfit.
Found this at Edmunds:


Copied from safercar.gov:

2011 Toyota Corolla Engine And Engine Cooling Service Bulletin 335465
NHTSA: Action Number: 10042602 Service Bulletin Number: 335465

Go to http://www-odi.nhtsa.dot.gov/tsbs/ and type this Action Number in the Quick Search box: 10042602

There you will find what you can take to your dealer on the TSB.

By the way, every Toyota dealer MUST perform a fix described in ALL Toyota Service Bulletins. If your vehicle is still under warranty, the TSB fix is FREE.
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My Mom's 2011 Corolla had the same exact issue as yours. After the second trip to Toyota of Marin, in San Rafael, CA., it was fixed. They apparently re-programmed the ECW, according to Paula, the Service Dept. Mgr. Perhaps your dealer could contact our dealer? The car runs great now as it should.
I just purchased a 2011 toyota corolla sport. Love it except I have been experiencing same problems with acclerator speeding up when I take my foot off and at times it feels like cruise control is on but its not. I only had car for 1 week. Just looked online for recalls and stumbled on this site. I haven't to dealership yet. Saw a couple of posts regarding ecu upgrade and flash update. Before I go to dealer want to have my ducks in a row. Can someone direct me on what to do. Dont want to have a frustrated experience with dealer saying that is normal. Also experiencing rev drop as well.
Corollaspeeding up problems

I have a 2011 Corolla and could never get any satisfaction from dealer regarding the problems I have with car speeds/revs going up and down when motoring at 40/60 MPH. I was told "It's just one of those things". After two years I have got used to it now and rarely think about it until I find myself almost up the backside of the car in front when the Corolla decides not to slow down when I take my foot off the gas.
Mike - This is a known recall issue and it's not just, "one of those things".

If you bought the car new, you have the Lemon Law on your side, which states that if they can't fix the car within three tries, they have to buy the car back from you for what you paid for it.

This is a dangerous issues, so please don't settle for the excuse, "It's one of those things".
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same problem

I have the same problem, my 2011 toy corolla rpm gauage does up and down when I am steady between 40 and 60 mph. But my transmission sounds like it needs to change from 3rd to drive. I am worried about it because I have 32800 miles on it and the warranty is up at 36000.
I am taking it in to be checked.
Afternoon all.
So heres my story with Toyota.
Picked up a 2011 Corolla with 22k on the clock. Driving it home from the dealership and noticed the RPMS doing funny things like dropping etc when doing higher speeds.
A little googling and I come across tsb-0124-11.
"A-ha!" I think to myself. "The fix seems to resolve the issue."
Wifey takes the car in today with the TSB number and gets jerked around.
First, they told her that Toyota doesn't use TSB's on their service bulletins.
Then they told her they would have to hook it up to a diagnostics machine and charge us for it (the car is still under the bumper to bumper warranty until next May).
When she kept insisting that there was the stated problem as per TSB, with the car, they told her it would have to go back to the dealership it was bought from (a Chevy dealership) and they would service it.
Finally, after I faxed over the TSB to the Toyota location that my wife was at, they then left for about 5 mins, came back and said it was done. No road testing, no sticker under the hood as the TSB states should be done..nothing.
Wifey didn't know any different (even though the TSB says it should take 0.4 hrs, not 5 mins) so she left. Now going over 40mph, she says the rpm issue seems to have gone, but is present when doing under 40mph.
Is it possible the flash wasn't done correctly, or do we probably have something else going on?
Also, are the permitted to give me the current calibration ID so I can check if it is the new one per the TSB, or if its the old one and something was done wrong?
Thanks for my little rambling post!
Personally I would find a new Toyota dealer but maybe before doing that I would just call the Toyota 800-331-4331 number and speak directly with someone about this dealership. When a car is still under original warranty the dealer should honor it no matter what, now do you want them doing the work having to do this that may be another story. If you live in a metropolitan area and have the choice of another dealer I might go there but would still let Toyota know about this dealer. Personally I got talked to very poorly by a service writer at a dealer and I just talked with the manager of the service department and it got resolved in a hurry and that person now treats me with respect when I come in. The technical service bulletin mentioned in this forum should fix your car now if they applied it correctly that is another story. Good luck.
I just bought a used 2011 Corolla, LE. I am having the slowing and/or accelerating issues with speeds between 40 and maybe 65 mph. It is like the cruise control is on, but it's not. I went down a hill yesterday, took foot off accelerator and let car coast down hill. It really slowed down and I had to really gun it to get up the hill at bottom. It will 'jerk' while cruising along and the tachometer will jiggle up and down a little. Passengers in my car have felt it also. What makes me angry is that Toyota as a corporation may be trying to cover up a real problem.
Toyota Corola

Jaquie-I would read some of the previous posts. I think you'll find the answer to your problem. Then you can address it and perhaps educate the folks at your local dealer.

It's a great car once it's fixed!:yes:
Just wanted to register to thank everyone on this thread for helping to explain this issue. I purchased a used '11 Corolla in March (22K miles) and immediately noticed this problem. It was a pretty big purchase for me so it was really stressful to have something go wrong that I somehow didn't notice in the test drive.

It was still under warranty when purchased, and the dealer gave me the standard run around ("i've been working on these things for years and never heard of that problem or that TSB"). They asked to have me test drive with a technician but with how unorganized my dealer was I ended up just talking to someone else who didn't have me test drive.

With enough persistence it got fixed in only one service appointment and now it runs beautifully. Logged between 35-37 MPG for the last month. Thanks all!
Accelerator Problem

All that was posted happened to my car as well. My brake pads does not last a year. I have to apply brakes to slow down. I brought this car to the Hamer Dealer. I was told this was NORMAL. I've owned 4runners, celica, camry, old corollas never had this issue. It took 4-5 yrs before I replaced my 1st brake pads for the above cars. This 2011 Corolla my third brakes pads replaced for the last three years. Please help to which or what number to call???? Thanks and be safe everyone.