1993 Corolla DX - Transmission Sticking

Just wanted to get some suggestions. I have a 1993 Corolla DX (1.8L auto). I've noticed the transmission sticking between 45-60 mph. It only does this if the car is cold/been sitting a while. Once it warms up it shifts smoothly and is perfectly fine. Just wondering if its the fluid or if I should check anything else out.
With the transmission behaving better when hot, it sounds like this problem is related to the viscosity of the transmission fluid when cold, (not good), vs hot, (acceptable). Visually check the condition of the transmission fluid via the dipstick and a white paper towel. It should be pinkish in color, but if it's tan, to brown, to even black, it's a good idea to change it. A good synthetic transmission fluid will perform/protect the best. AMSOIL pioneered the worlds first 100% synthetic transmission fluid way back in 1980 and I've used this transmission fluid with wonderful results. Below is the link and I can get you 25-30% lower prices than the retail price listed. Also, it's important to change all the transmission fluid, (not just half of it), and I can help you out with that too -

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Would i need anything else when i do that change besides the transmission oil? How difficult is it to change? I've never done a transmission oil change but i have a hanyes repair manual to look at.


New Member
There's a slight leak in the transmission. I got the fluid and everything changed and the mechanic said it was half a quart low. Since changing the fluid its been fine. I just need to check the fluid level now whenever I change the engine oil.